Behavioral Training is NOT Obedience Training

Learn what the missing links in standard dog training programs are to avoid common behavioral problems.

what you'll be learning...

  • the packfit "not-so-standard" definition of "behavior"

  • the many contributing ingredients contributing to, impacting, and influencing behavior

  • behavioral remedy: our *holistic* approach to prevention, modification, and rehabilitation

If you have or are involved with dogs in any way... don't want to miss this Masterclass.

This is the information I wish I had at the start of my dog raising (and training) journey. I had to learn a lot of lessons the (ultra) hard way, and it's my goal to share it with others so my story, heartaches, stresses, frustrations, etc. can be avoided. This Masterclass is filled with a ton of informational insights and gems, and- regardless of your background and level of experience- you *will* walk away more equipped, aware, and knowledgable than you were before you clicked "play".

what folks are saying....

“After listening to your Master Class, I can't thank you enough. The course filled in some gaps in my understanding that I had. It gave a name to things we were already doing. I am truly thankful to you for providing me with the tools to better educate and choose adopters for my project and easy going dogs. As someone who has been there and truly understands fearful dogs, I realize why I have such a connection with them. It was a great master class with tons of information, and I enjoyed the way you differentiated between classroom and real-world behavior. You're the real deal, keep it up.”

Richard V.

“Thank you! I definitely got some ah-ha moments...”

Brenda Y.