Nosework 101

Nosework is a fun activity to engage in with your dogs where we ask them to find a specific target scent. If the target scent is found, the dog receives a "reinforcement" in return. Since a reinforcer is involved, the dog will search even more enthusiastically for this target scent because, now, it's even more interesting and beneficial to do so. 

Through this activity, the dog is allowed to do what he or she loves the most.... using the nose.

 Incorporating activities into our dog's lives, such as Nosework, engages and satisfies dogs on a number of levels, ultimately curbing boredom, parking frustration, and reducing (possibly even eliminating) the ill states of mind and concerning behaviors they give rise to.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. Materials Needed for this Course

    3. Name It! Mark It!

    4. Reinforcers and the Individual Dog

    5. A Dog's Nose

    6. Nosework for the Home Dog: The Training Plan

    7. Glossary of Course Terms

    8. Notes

    1. Module Two Intro

    2. Priming the Bowl (Phase 1 Activity)

    3. Bowl in Plain Sight (Phase 1 Activity)

    4. Hide Placement Matters

    5. Hiding the Bowl (Phase 1 Activity)

    6. Notes

    1. Module 3 Intro

    2. The Pepe Le Pew POV

    3. Searching vs. Sniffing

    4. Identifying Change of Behavior during the Search

    5. The After Party

    6. Beyond the Bowl Search (Phase 2 Activity)

    7. Notes

    1. Module 4 Intro

    2. Understanding Gas Laws & Odor Flow

    3. Understanding Interior Air Flow

    4. Odor vs. In Odor

    5. In Odor

    6. Reading the Dog at the Hide

    7. Searching High and Low (Phase 3 Activity)

    8. Notes

    1. Module Five Intro

    2. Intro to Pairing

    3. Odor Hygiene (*don't skip over this*)

    4. How to Make QTips and Hides

    5. Effects of Aging (...aging of the Hide, that is ; ))

    6. Notes

    1. Module 6 Intro

    2. Paired Searches and Duration (Phase 4 Activity)

    3. Paired Threshold Hides (Phase 4 Activity)

    4. Corner Hides Paired (Phase 4 Activity)

    5. Over, Under n' Around Paired Searches (Phase 4 Activity)

    6. Notes

About this course

  • $349.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content


Kimberly Artley & Stacy Barnett

Kimberly Artley is the Founder of PACKFIT, a Washington DC based dog training and behavior company, and is the author of the internationally celebrated book, “My Dog, My Buddha”.
 Described as the "Mary Poppins" of dog training, it’s her comprehensive background of nutrition, psychology, communication, and behavior that blends seamlessly together to offer the most effective training approach. Her “whole” dog, “whole” scenario, highly individualized approach results in the most successful outcomes for a wide spectrum of canine challenges.
 Stacy Barnett is a top nosework competitor and trainer, being one of only a handful of teams with multiple Summit Level (SMTx3) titles in the National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW) with her dog, Judd. Stacy has been a faculty member at Fenzi Dog Sports Academy since 2015 and is an international clinician for seminars around the world. She is a licensed Judge for for AKC Scent Work where she was also retained in an advisory position for the AKC Scent Work program for 2 years. Stacy is the author of the popular blog, Scentsabilities Nosework, and hosts weekly educational webinars.