there are countless dog training books on the market right now; but they only focus on one end of the leash and one part of the relationship. the dog's end. leaving the human end of the leash completely out of the equation.
"be more confident," "be more calm," "be happy", "be the leader," etc. means absolutely nothing if we don't know how to feel and embody this... and why we don't.
not only will this book open your eyes to your dogs, the question marks behind their behaviors, and how to cultivate and maintain better behavior... it'll give you immense insight into your own.
this book will be an invaluable addition to anyone's canine library.
pre-order now for special sneak peaks, early accesses, and pre-book, life-enhancing snacks. All pre-orders will receive signed copies once the book is published (within the USA; additional shipping charges will apply for those outside of the USA)
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Enjoy your pre-order, life-enhancing snacks <3
The Gifts of Trauma Summit Talk
50 Ways to Get Buff.... When 24 Hours A Day Just Isn't Enough
50 Ways to Eat Right When Eating Healthy Isn't Love at First Bite
The PackFit Dog Walking Meditations
About this course
- $50.00
- 4 lessons
- 1 hour of video content