Learn new and different skillsets. Gain confidence. Deepen understanding. And walk into a new way of being with your dog.

We'll show you how.

Are you tired of...

  • being dragged down the sidewalk?

  • hiding behind cars if you see another dog coming?

  • being knocked off your feet if a squirrel runs across your path?

  • spending hours individually walking your dogs because you can't walk them all together? (... though we applaud your commitment!)

  • the lingering shame, guilt, and overall embarrassment that accompanies all of this... and simply not feeling safe or at ease when out and about together?

Years ago, this was me, too.

I tried all the things. Had a most impressive collection of collars, leashes, harnesses, tools and trinkets (all of which came with big promises). Always packin' treats. 
But the thing is... behavior is information, and "the walk" is a conversation.
When I started learning more about the ingredients that make or break the walk, learned how to clean up how I was communicating with my dog, developed a *language* using the leash, and learned how to find the most appropriate communication aids (collar) for the individual dog.....the results were nothing short of amazing.

The Walk may be riddled with stress, strain, and struggle right now

... but it doesn't have to be.

Consider this course your very own, personal walking sherpa. Follow the lessons, put the work in, and we know you'll see immense change!

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to "Walk Like a Boss"

    2. Introductory Exercises

    3. Pre Walk Meditation

    4. WLAB Course Notes Pages

    1. The Walk Deconstructed

    2. The Walk Deconstructed: Worksheet

    3. 1st Dog Walking Meditation

    4. The Microsteps

    1. State of Mind

    2. State of Mind: Worksheet

    3. 2nd Dog Walking Meditation

    1. Space-ometry

    2. Space-ometry : Worksheet

    3. 3rd Walking Meditation - Visualization Exercise

    1. The Structured vs. the Unstructured Walk

    2. The Structured vs. the Unstructured Walk : Worksheet

    3. "Coach on your shoulder" Meditation Walk

    1. Aids to Communication

    2. Aids to Communication : Worksheet

    3. Introducing the Slip Lead.

    4. Introducing the Training Collar.

    5. Introducing the Language of the Leash.

    6. 5th Walking Meditation : Find the Joy

    7. Case Study featuring: Kali and Pico, The Nepal Dogs, and Apollo "The Naughty Rottie"

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

You can do this... and you're not alone.

Maybe you've had some bad... even frightening experiences. Maybe you've already had some training. Maybe (you think) you've tried all the things, but nothing is sticking and nothing has worked. Our program is different. Very different. And it works.

Here's a short list of what you'll be learning in the next 7 weeks

The course content is released on a week by week basis so students can better focus, learn, and implement with ease and without overwhelm.

  • How to differentiate between various forms of collars

  • Body positioning and why it matters

  • How to maximize your use of space respectfully and responsibly

  • How to build confidence between you and your dog

  • What "state of mind" means, why it's important, and how to influence it

  • How to read what your dog is trying to tell you

  • How to build your level of relevance in the eyes and mind of your dog

Bonus Additionals

  • 3 Case Studies

    $600 value

    PackFit puts all the course concepts into action with 5 different dogs in 3 different homes, 3 different lifestyles, and 3 different circumstances.

  • Walking Meditation and Affirmation Audios

    $25 value

    The walk is a sacred activity for both ends of the leash. Here at PackFit, we often spend a great portion of our pack walks in prayer and meditation. This helps us to regroup, recenter, get more grounded, and also helps set the tone for anything that follows. Use these guided walking meditation and affirmation audio clips to help you as you walk your way into feeling more confident, peaceful, and at ease with your dog/s joyfully beside you.

  • Private Facebook Community and Support Group


    Community makes all the difference. There are so many who struggle with the walk, and it's important for you to know you're not alone. In the private group, we share videos, ask questions, and learn from and support each other as we move through this process together.


  • Do you offer refunds?

    Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.

  • How long does the course run, and will I have continued access to it?

    The course is set on a drip schedule and will span 7 weeks. This will allow you to move through and focus on each module and its calls to action at a time.

  • Does the course include support or coaching?

    We have a wonderful Facebook community where folks can post videos, asking questions, and receive feedback from both Kimberly and the rest of the community. The group is private, judgment-free, and a safe container in which to share.

  • Does this apply to walking more than 1 dog?

    The principles, tools, and skillsets absolutely apply to walking more than one dog at a time. This being said, it is recommended to work with each dog individually and getting everyone to a great place before walking together.

  • What's so different about this training?

    We cover our signature approach to working with the individual dog and the individual owner, and go over all of the ingredients that contribute to, impact, and influence a dog's choices, state of mind, and behavior on the walk. We go over the why's, what's, how's, when's, and what if's. The walk is far more involved than most realize (even many trainers), which is why "results" are often limited and varied.